Thursday 20 August 2009

How To Approach Girls.. What You Must Know.

If your success rate with the ladies is very low or even non existent then have I got something here for you.

CLICK HERE to learn how to approach girls

A couple of weeks ago someone I know introduced me to this new dating course that promises to make you some sort of stud with the girls. Why are you giving this to me I asked him. I mean,im not that bad at chatting up the girls am I? I always do ok when I am out on the town. Ok, some nights are bad and I watch everyone else getting off with a girl but, hey, you cant win all of the time can you?
Well my mate who told me about this new course was nearly always the one guy out of our group that was left on his own at the end of the night. We used to laugh at him a lot because his chat up lines were very poor. He used to say all the wrong things to start with to the girls and even if he managed to get talking for any length of time with the girl you could always guarantee that he would come out with something that would offend her sooner or later and that would be that.
He was the type of guy you just didn't want to be left with as you knew that he would blow any chance you had with a couple of girls. Not good.
Anyway, a couple of weeks ago we were out again with the gang and went into the usual bars to begin with as always. As usual the bar was heaving with some sexy girls and we were all eyeing them up as usual. Then one of the other guys asked where was Paul. He was the guy who always messed up with girls. So we all looked around and there he was chatting up this really fit girl by the bar. We all looked at each other and all thought well we will give him another couple of minutes before he says something bad to the girl and he will come back over to us.
Well he didn't come back over to us for ages and we were all amazed at by how well he was doing with this beautiful girl. In fact, the next time he came over to use was to say he was leaving and taking this girl back to his flat with him!!
We just all looked at each other in disbelief. Now this sort of thing just does not happen to Paul.
So the next day I went round to his flat to find out what was going on. He opened the door with a big grin on his face and told me all about the sexy girl he got off with. And in fact he couldn't come out with the gang tonight as he was seeing this girl again and they were going for a meal together. WTF!!!
So how did he turn this around and go from loser to stud in such a short space of time?
Well he told me about this course he found called Alpha Destiny. He said he joined for a free 7 day one on one seduction trial where he got daily information on how to talk to girls and how he should act when with them. He said he just followed all the information he got and put it to work on this girl in the bar last night. Well the results were there for all to see. Of course I demanded to see this site and have a look at some of the info he was being told and to say I was gobsmacked is an understatement. This stuff was dynamite. I thought I new what to say to girls but this had me changing the way I thought right away. I was amazed at what he had learnt and from just reading a few of the instructions I cold see haw he easily go off with the girl from last night.
He made me promise not to tell anyone else about this as I think he was a bit embarrassed about having to get the help he needed from this course. I told him I would keep it out secret if he let me have a bit of the information he was learning every now and again. I also said that there was nothing to be embarrassed about as most men need some help when it comes to getting the girls and so what if you learn what you need to know of some course. Most men would kill to know what he was learning anyway so what the hell!
If you are looking for help in getting the girls I would highly recommend the Alpha Destiny seduction course. Even if you think you know all there is about picking up women I guarantee that you will learn so much more and will get your strike rate higher that even you thought possible. This is a must have course for all men and it even gives you a free 7 day one on one seduction training program so that you can see the results almost right away.
So don't be on your own for a moment longer. CLICK HERE to go to Alpha Destiny and get your free 7 day training now.
It is the best course out there that will teach you how to approach girls.

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